The environment of React has included a big list of react developer tools and libraries which are growing continuously. The plenty of instruments is a genuine demonstration of its notoriety. For devs, it tends to be a confounding activity to explore this labyrinth that changes at neck-breaking speed.
Below there’s a list of 25 most popular newbies React Developer tools which will help you in many ways like in making any application, handling it, testing of JS code, etc. So go through the article and find which one React developer tools you’re in need and use it.
The React Environment is full of tools that are useful for you, now it’s up to you that how you use these tools and make the 100% usage of these tools in your work. In this list, you will find all the new developer tools of 2020 which are the latest, very popular, and powerful as well.
Hooks was developed by Facebook having version 16.8 with the help of more than 1300 contributors. It is having more than 1,40,400 stars on GitHub. Hooks are a very new version in the environment of React Developer tools as of version 16.8. Hooks allow you to unlock the special and useful features in classless components.
With the help of Hooks, React no longer have the necessity of lifecycle methods such as componentDidMount for the management of the state. This gives encouragement to the separation of the thoughts as the components of React don’t have the duty to manage themselves.
Before this a lot of state management of state was inside the components of class which complex all the things as a result it was very difficult for stateful components to maintain. So Hooks provides very useful features so with the help of these features we can get rid of these problems.
The following Hooks basics are available for use:
- useState: It helps in the mutation of state inside classless components without using any kind of lifecycle methods.
- useEffect: it helps in the execution of functions of post-render, useful for firing Ajax requests.
- useContext: It helps in switching the component context data, even it is outside the component props.
Advantages of using Hooks:
- It Reduces the complexity of state management.
- It gives support to the functional components.
- It helps in encouraging the separation of the concerns.
The disadvantage of using Hooks:
- The switching of context data can result in a very extensive load.
Proxy Servers
Proxy Server was also developed by Facebook of version: 0.2.3 with the help of more than 700 contributors. It is having more than 76,000 stars on GitHub. From the start i.e. from the version [email protected] or higher, it has been possible to proxy the API requests.
It gives permission to both the back-end API and the Create React App project to work together and to exist in the environment. If your client makes the request from /m-killer-API/get-data it will change the routes of the request towards the proxy server.
Advantages of using Proxy Server:
- Very smooth integration with back-end API
- It helps us in eliminating CORS issues
- It is very easy to use and to set up
Disadvantages of using Proxy Server:
- It maybe has the requirement of a server-side proxy layer with multiple APIs
Functional Components
It was also developed by Facebook of version: 16.12 with the help of more than 1300 contributors. It has more than 1,40,000 stars on GitHub. Utilitarian segments are a definitive method to make JSX markup without class parts.
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They grasp the practical worldview in light of the fact that they don’t oversee state in lifecycle strategies. This stresses centre around the UI markup absents a lot of rationales. Since the part depends on props it gets simpler to test. Props have a coordinated relationship with the delivered yield.
This is what a useful part resembles in React developer tools:
const SimpleComponent = ({isInit, data}) =>
{useEffect(() => {!isInt && loadAjaxData()})}
Advantages of using Functional Components:
- It is only focused on UI
- It is a testable component
- If gives very less load when it is about the class component
Disadvantages of using Functional Components:
- No lifecycle methods are needed.
Class Components
Class components at one time were the most commonly used among all four types of components. It was used most commonly because they can do the work that functional components do and more than that also. It can make use of the main functions of React, state, props, and lifecycle methods. Class components are having a well-structured class.
// Class Component Example
import React from 'react';
class Hello World extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<p>Hello World!</p>
export default Hello World;
It is an advanced technique used to React in order to reuse the logic of the component. You cannot find this in the API as this is not a React developer tool like others. It is only a pattern that is emerged from the React’s compositional environment. In short, high order components are the functions that return a component(s). They are usually used in sharing the logic with the other components.
// HOC Exampleimport React from 'react';
import MyComponent from './components/MyComponent';class HelloWorld extends React.Component {
render() {
{ => (
<MyComponent data={element} key={element.key} />
export default HelloWorld;
Pure Components
Pure Components is like a better version of functional components in some criteria. Only returning a render function components gives the space to the pure components to shine in that case. But, first, you need to understand what pure components do and how it works.
It is commonly used for providing the optimizations. These are the easiest and the fastest components we can write. It does not have any dependency and also it can modify the state of variable which outside its range and scope of control. So this is the reason why pure components replace the functional components.
Create React App
The necessary instrument to start up another React venture. This deals with all React conditions by means of a solitary npm bundle. No additionally managing Babel, web pack, and so forth. The whole reliance device chain gets overhauled with respond contents in package.json.
There’s a method to coordinate Create React App with any worker side delivering apparatus out there. The device yields index.html and static resources in the open envelope. This open envelope is the touchpoint where static resources are prepared for a mix
It is very easy to get started with Create react App:
npx create-react-app my-killer-app
And more easy is the up-gradation of it:
npm I react-scripts@latest
Facebook was the developer of Prototypes of version 15.7.2 with the help of more than 35 contributors. Prototype help in declaring the React components the way we want to declare and document as our visualization. This will show a warning in local dev if the types you have given don’t match. It has the capability to support all the javaScript parts like bool, number, and string.
For example:
import PropTypes;
MyComponent.propTypes = {
boolProperty: PropTypes.bool,
numberProperty: PropTypes.number,
requiredProperty: PropTypes.string.isRequired
Redux was developed by The Moon of version: 4.0.5 with the help of more than 700 contributors. It is having more than 52,000 stars on GitHub. Unsurprising state the executive’s compartment for JavaScript applications. This device accompanies a store that oversees state information. State transformation is just conceivable by means of a dispatch message.
The message object contains a sort that signs to the reducer which transformation to fire. The suggestion is to keep everything in the application in a solitary store. Revival bolsters different reducers in a solitary store. Reducers have a balanced connection between input boundaries and yield state. This makes reducers unadulterated capacities.
A reducer that mutates state must look like this:
const simpleReducer = (state = {}, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return {...state, data: action.payload};
return state;
The typeScript was developed by Microsoft of version: 3.7.5 with the help of more than 400 contributors. It is having more than 58,000 stars on GitHub. This is the JavaScript which checks all the React projects for its type. All type declarations tools and React libraries are supported by this. It’s a superset of JavaScript, so it’s conceivable to quit the sort checker.
These two reports goal and bombs the fabricate when it doesn’t coordinate. In Create React App ventures, turn it on by going in – template typescript. TypeScript bolster is accessible beginning from form [email protected].
For the declaration of prop type:
interface MyComponentProps {
boolProp?: boolean; // optional
numberProp?: number; // optional
required prop: string;
React-Redux was also developed by The Moon of version: 7.1.3 with the help of more than 190 contributors. It is having more than 18,500 stars on GitHub. The official React connection for Redux, usually comes with two main chapters: Provider and Connect. The provider is a react component with a prop like a store. This shows that how a single store jumps up to the JSX mark.
This is how a connection between two parameters of React-Redux looks like:
import { bind action creators } from 'redux';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
const mapStateToProps = (state) => state.simple;
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) =>
bind action creators({() => ({type: 'SIMPLE_UPDATE_DATA'})}, dispatch);
connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(SimpleComponent);
Thunk is a middleware for Redux for making an asynchronous call through API. It makes the execution different from the behind a thunk to unlock asynchrony. Thunk is a function that makes the evaluation different. For example, () => 1+1, because it don’t do execution immediately.
For Example.
const loadData = () => async (dispatch, getState, optionalAsyncTool) => {
const state = getState();
const response = await optionalAsyncTool.get(‚/url/‘ +;
dispatch({type: ‚SIMPLE_LOAD_DATA‘, payload:});
Lumberjack for Redux that catches any dispatches experiencing the store. Each dispatch shows in the dev comfort in a log message. It permits boring into prev and next state. The activity in the dispatch is additionally accessible for payload review. This lumberjack is helpful in nearby dev and can be torn out post-assemble.
Coming up next is an expected arrangement in Redux middleware:
import { createStore } from 'redux';
let middleware = [];
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { // rip out post-build
const {logger} = require('redux-logger');
export default () => createStore({}, applyMiddleware(...middleware));
Lodash is a new JavaScript utility collection which is very necessary for React Components. If the component is getting the data from the back-end API, then it will fire request once per stroke of the key and as a result, it will span the back-end API and also causes issues when people make the use of UI. Lodash comes with the feature with debounced events, which will fire one API request with many strokes of the key.
To make the setup of onChange debounced events:
onChange={(e) => debounce(updateDataValue(, 250)}
Axios was developed by Axios of version: 0.19.2 with the help of more than 200 contributors. It is having more than 69,500 stars on GitHub. It is a commitment based Hypertext transfer protocol client which will work very well in Thunks. This gives support to async/await syntax to make the Ajax request from the server.
It will also support you in handling the errors if those errors are via catch.
Axios work like this inside the thunk:
const loadData = () =>
async (dispatch, getState, axios) => {
try {
const response = await Promise.all([axios.get('/url'),'/url', getState())]); dispatch(updateData(response[0].data));
return dispatch(updateData(response[1].data));
} catch (reason) { return dispatch(error(reason.message));}
Jest is used in testing which is mainly focused on the simplicity for the projects of JavaScript. It has good news that it comes with Create React App built-in inside. It also works with different projects that use Babel, TypeScript, and Node also but still there’s no confirmation on most of the React projects.
A small check to make it sure that tests are executing are:
it('says true is true', () => {expect(true).toBe(true);});
Shallow Renderer
This is shallow delivering helpful for constraining tests to one level profound. It delivers the parent part without influencing its kids in tree order. This disconnects the test and makes declarations increasingly vigorous. Shallow delivering bolsters a decent piece of the Enzyme API for navigating parts.
The shallow API calls lifecycle strategies like componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate during render. With Hooks, the shallow renderer doesn’t call useEffect. One tip does console.log(component.debug()) to investigate what the shallow renderer sees.
For the testing of a React Component with the use of Shallow renderer:
const component = shallow(<ParentComponent data={"Dave"}/>); expect(component.find('p').at(0).text()).toBe('Dave');
It is a JavaScript testing feature for React which will make the testing of your React Components output very easy and it also gives you the permission to manipulate, transverse, and in few ways do the simulation. The enzyme is mainly used for testing the react components but the features it provides other than the testing are also very good for you people.
When you are using React 16, install Enzyme with it:
npm i --save-dev enzyme enzyme-adapter-react-16
These are React components which are used for making web development faster and easier also. This will give you permission to build your own design according to your imagination with the use of Material Design. In these templates and themes are available, both free and paid. Premium themes will have the pricing depending according to the functions it performs.
To start with the Material UI:
npm install @material-ui/core
Prime React
PrimeReact is a collection of rich UI components for React. The complete set of native widgets featuring more than 70 easy to use components for all your UI requirements. OPEN SOURCE. Hosted at GitHub, all widgets are open source and free to use under MIT license.
Elemental UI
It was developed by Elemental –UI of version 0.6.1 with the help of more than 25 contributors. It reacts developer tools for using in the React apps which were initially used in Keystone JS. It is like an experiment that has been done to fulfil the requirements of the real-world if it will be capable of fulfilling then it will be more popular.
To get started with the Elemental UI:
npm i elemental --save
Semantic UI
This is an official Semantic UI React integration toolkit. It comes with jQuery-free as all the jQuery functionality is re-built in React. It provides robust features and props validation.
This is what augmentation in React Semantic UI might look like:
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
<Menu><Menu.Item as={Link} to="/menu-item">Menu Item</Menu.Item></Menu>
Mocha is an element rich JavaScript test system running on Node.js and in the program, making non-concurrent testing straightforward and fun. Mocha tests run sequentially, taking into account adaptable and precise announcing while at the same time planning uncaught special cases to the right experiments.
Ava. js is a futuristic test runner, which runs your tests concurrently. This will force you to write tests without depending on a global state or state of other test cases
As appeared, React’s biological system includes detonated inside the most recent couple of years. It’s the instrument of decision for a big business needing to reuse React segments in a reliable suite. Each device is independent with not many interdependencies.
For 2020, my suggestion is to check out these react to developer tools in any event that it is working properly or not in any kind of work you want to do. So grab this information that has been provided in the article and use the best react developer tools. These tools are very useful in doing different kinds of works. Many more react developer tools will be coming in future and you will be getting the information about them.
Thank you for reading this article. Hope this article was informative for you.
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Aided me a lot, just what I was searching for : D.